Cancer links to cosmetics They why behind Limelight By Alcone

Limelight by Alcone why we choose to have harsh chemical free products

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day I am sharing the amazing story that is behind Limelight By Alcones skincare line. It was written by our amazing CEO. It is an unfortunate truth that there is no governing body such as the FDA that regulates cosmetics. Although this is true, each company can decide for themselves to look at the scientific research and use that research to make products as safe as possible for everyone. Limelight goes above and beyond these standards while provding the best products on the market. If you would like more information don't hesitate to message me or find me on FB. I hope ya'll have a wonderful day. 
Jennifer Hammons

October 28, 20164 Comments

LimeLight would not be LimeLight without Margaret.  When we were searching for a skin care line, my almost-sister Margaret was fighting Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  At one point she said, “Michele, you cannot bring another skin care line into this world that has harmful ingredients.  It is harming women.”
I felt this weird conflict.  I totally understood the importance of what she was saying and yet I wanted to bring the best beauty products into the brand.  Weren’t synthetic chemicals important for effectiveness?
To keep my promise, I went back to a vendor that I had met years before, a scientist from California, who had spent almost a half a decade studying natural ingredients and their effectiveness.  I asked her to produce a face oil for our brand.  That was all I wanted, something that would create a “dewy look.”  Months later, she delivered 11 products, all free of harmful chemicals, and asked me to test them.  I distributed the line to 12 people with varying skin types and asked them to try the products and let me know what they thought.  The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.  I had my 5 favorite products, Madison had her 5 (which were different from mine), and there were at least three people who called each of the 11 products a “can’t live without.”
It was then that I realized how brainwashed I had become.  The entire beauty industry had been telling me, basically my whole life, that chemicals were the active ingredient and without them you might as well put nothing on your skin.  Imagine if television and print ads focused on totally natural active ingredients and all the incredible existing scientific proof of their effectiveness.  Ingredients like lemon, tea tree oil, natural clay, aloe, essential oils, etc.  Wouldn’t you think differently?  Wouldn’t you think that someone who promoted chemicals was weird/wrong/peddling voodoo?  Perhaps the same kind of skepticism some have for LimeLight.
But highlighting natural ingredients really wouldn’t be good for business.  You can easily get your hands on natural ingredients, but you can’t get your hands on a test tube of that specially-trademarked complex that promises the fountain of youth or magical cure for acne.  If you want to sell a lot of skin care products, you find a synthetic ingredient that does something effective, you create a very powerful scientific name for it, you trademark it, you inflate the cost of it (because who the heck would know), and you tell women that it is the latest, newest best thing ever through mesmerizing campaign ads and fancy packaging.
Margaret woke me from this spell, this marketing myth I bought into.  She put me on the right path, one that is so much more authentic to who I am.
If Mother Nature could take out an ad at the Super Bowl perhaps she would say, “I have the most powerful lab in the universe, it’s called Earth™ and I make the most transforming ingredients from roots™, flowers™, seeds™, leaves™, bark™ and soil™”  But I don’t think even that would totally break the spell.
Before she died, she told me to tell everyone about her story and why it was important to use LimeLight.  It felt a million types of icky to use her struggle to sell product.  But I now know what she really wanted me to do – challenge your thinking because it could cost you more than just the product price.
This blog and this skin care line is for you, Margaret. Miss you and love you.  (BTW, I know you loved the name we chose for our Breast Cancer pink lip collection.  Madison and I totally did that for you;)
With Love, Michele

My mom, Margaret, and my nephew on vacation in St. Kitts!

My sister Maret, my brother-in-law Tad (VP, Operations at LimeLight), Tim Bluto (Director of Beauty

 Guidance at LimeLight) and Margaret.
Margaret getting pampered at the hospital with her LimeLight products.


  1. Isn't it true that the foundations do include harmful chemical?

  2. J'ai 29 ans et on m'a diagnostiqué un cancer du sein, une facilité de traitement et une histoire similaire, à l'exception de ma première acceptation en tant que rejet de la phytothérapie. Je ne faisais pas partie du mouvement des Perséides et je n’établissais pas vraiment de relations avec aucun d’entre eux, je ne faisais que croire à leur fonctionnement. Je dis cela parce que c’est au cours de l’utilisation de la phytothérapie Dr. Itua que j’atteste maintenant que la phytothérapie est réelle, la phytothérapie Dr. Itua soigne mon cancer du sein dont je souffre depuis 2 ans. La phytothérapie Dr. Itua est faite d'herbes naturelles, sans effets secondaires et facile à boire. Si vous avez le même cancer du sein ou n’importe quel type de maladie humaine, notamment le VIH / sida, le cancer de l’herpès, le cancer de la vessie, le cancer de la vessie, le cancer de la prostate, le cancer du rein, le cancer du poumon, le cancer de la peau et le cancer de la peau. , LEUCÉMIE, VIRUS, HÉPATITE, INFERTILITÉ FEMME / HOMME, BEAUCOUP D’AMOUR, LOTERIE. SON EMAIL DE CONTACT / WHATSAPP:

  3. Je m'appelle donald boykins, je suis ici pour remercier le docteur Akhigbe d'avoir utilisé ses médicaments à base de plantes pour soigner mon virus de l'herpès. Cela fait environ 3 ans et 6 mois que je vis avec ce virus et cela a été un grave problème pour moi. J'étais tellement confus que je prenais plusieurs médicaments pour me soigner mais tous mes efforts ont été vains, un matin Je parcourais Internet, puis j’ai vu plusieurs témoignages sur le Dr Akhigbe qui guérissait des personnes du virus de l’herpès. Immédiatement, j’ai contacté le Dr Akhigbe par courrier électronique à l'adresse Je lui ai parlé de mes problèmes et il m'a dit être guéri, il m'a donné des instructions et que j'ai correctement suivies. il prépara donc un médicament à base de plantes et me l'envoya que j'utilisai pendant 2 semaines et que j'étais guéri, tout ressemblait à un rêve pour moi et mon virus de l'herpès avait totalement disparu, dr .Akhigbe, que Dieu vous bénisse et vous donne plus de pouvoir et de capacité Je ne sais pas s’il en existe qui souffrent du virus de l’herpès ou de l’une de ces maladies ... Dababés, cancer, VIH / SIDA, Herpès Hépatites A et B
    , MALADIE CARDIAQUE, MALADIE CHRONIQUE, etc., pourquoi ne pas contacter le Dr Akhigbe aujourd’hui et le libérer de ses maladies, car il est très bon et honnête. Il est aussi appelé le parrain de l’herboriste, contactez-le par e-mail; ou whatsApp lui sur +2348142454860


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